AUGUSTA, Ga. (WFXG) - The first hurricane has been named of the 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season.

Hurricane Beryl developed in the Atlantic Ocean Saturday afternoon, with wind speeds approximately 75mph [category one].

Gaining strength and wind speed, the storm surged overnight to become a major category four hurricane.

The route tracked by National Hurricane Center indicates this system will pass through the Windward Islands as a category four storm by Monday, sustaining winds between 131mph and 155mph.

Late last month, NOAA predicted an active hurricane season with ocean temperatures expected to be higher than normal. Along with many other factors including light trade winds and stronger African monsoon [seasonal change in the wind direction].

With Hurricane Beryl currently as a category four hurricane, damages to the Windward islands can be catastrophic, including structure damages such as roof failures, extreme flooding from storm surge and rainfall, major power outages, and major damage to trees and plant life in the area.

Storm surge will possibly be between 13ft and 18ft, leading to inland flooding, and many coastal homes destroyed. 

Meanwhile, another area of low pressure, invest 94-L located in the Gulf of Mexico, has been upgraded to a Tropical Depression. Labeled "Three," this system is sustaining wind speeds of 35mph. Damages seen with this system are heavy rain and flooding.

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