AUGUSTA, Ga. (WFXG) - A favorite professional sport may be returning to Augusta in the future.

The new James Brown Arena broke ground yesterday and has created a buzz surrounding sports and entertainment options.

Posts and comments have flooded social media, as people express their excitement and desire to have a professional hockey team inside the new JBA.

Over 15 years without a professional hockey team to root for, the new arena has renewed public excitement surrounding professional ice hockey in Augusta.

“Hockey at our James Brown Arena can be good. Simply because it can open the doors to other sporting opportunities like basketball, and other sports. Professional wrestling, you name it. There's a lot to be excited about and a lot of those details are forthcoming.”

Hockey fans took to social media after the groundbreaking ceremony for the new James Brown Arena stated:

“The time has come for a new era of hockey in Augusta, Georgia.”

Which could also mean more traffic for downtown businesses.

“Unfortunately we've had some bad circumstances recently, so anything positive would be good for downtown. We love people downtown, for all the restaurants, and bars, and little boutique shops that are here too. The more people the merrier. The better and safer downtown, the better it is for all of us. I'm excited hockey is coming back,” said Adrian Estrada, The Loft Owner.

As for local sports fans, those we spoke with are hoping the possibility turns into reality.

“I think it would be awesome for Augusta to have hockey. Simply because it gives more opportunity for the community, more things for us to do as a family to come out. Brings more revenue to the area and I think it would be fun!” stated Rushaun Carter, an Augusta local.

We did reach out to representatives with the arena as well, we’re told discussions surrounding hockey in Augusta are ongoing, but too early to comment on any immediate plans.

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