AIKEN, S.C. (WFXG) - Some Aiken residents had a black bear stop by for a visit.  

Neighbors in the trolley run station area discovered a young black bear found their trash un-bear-able and they caught him on their front porch cameras.

While it is rare for a bear to visit your house, Wildlife Resources say there are some precautions to take during the summertime.

A South Aiken Highschool teacher and coach, Dave Mihoulides said him and his wife woke up to multiple alerts on their home cameras Tuesday morning.

“She was like oh my gosh and our camera had been going off all night, our phone dinging and she was like oh my gosh we had a bear come through the yard last night,” said Mihoulides.

They then told their next door neighbor, Brian Maio, to check his.

 “Right across the front lawn, right across the front porch, across the drive way and i don’t know where he went after that,” said Maio

A small black bear was looking for some food and decided to try Dave’s trash can.

 “I guess he wasn’t feeling Brian’s garbage and ours was more enticing so he came over and turned our trashcan over and had grabbed four bags of trash through the yard here and up through the back,” said Mihoulides.

And when the bear was posted to social media, he became a locally viral celebrity

Mihoulides said, “Putting it on there more as a warning being like hey guys there’s a bear in the neighborhood and it just kind of blew up being a teacher and coach down here knowing a lot of people, I was telling Brian earlier there’s like 57, 58 thousand views of the video now, you know 200 people sharing the video as well. A little bit crazy, we never expected this.”

The CSRA is not known for being a habitat for these furry animals. But during the summer, they like take a stroll through our area.

Georgia Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Biologist, L.B. Parnell, “During the summertime we do get some travel from the North Georgia bears and also from Central Georgia bears through our viewing area. And they come through usually young males and they come through during the summer time and they usually do not stay very long.”

If a bear is spotted near you it’s important to put away anything that might invite the bears to stay.

Parnell says, “If you know of a bear in your area, if you’ve seen one on a trail camera or one of these home security cameras, then you would definitely want to store things away like pet food that may be around the house, definitely secure your garbage take down your bird feeders and then I would give that about a week before I would put anything back up.”

Regardless, if you do encounter one of these black bears, Wildlife Resources say they are most likely more afraid of you than you are them.

You can simply make a lot of noise to scare the bears away.

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